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Algorithmic Techniques to remember


Concise list of algorithmic techniques worth remembering.

Algorithmic tips and concepts that can be useful when solving coding problems:

  • Understand the problem: Make sure you understand the problem before you start coding. Ask questions if necessary.
  • Identify the input and output: Figure out what the input to your program is and what the output should be.
  • Use a brute-force approach first: If you're not sure where to start, try a brute-force approach. This means trying all possible solutions until you find the right one.
  • Break the problem down: Divide the problem into smaller sub-problems that are easier to solve.
  • Use data structures: Use data structures like arrays, linked lists, and hash tables to organize your data.
  • Optimize for time or space: Depending on the problem, you may need to optimize for either time or space complexity.
  • Use recursion: Recursion can be a powerful tool for solving problems, especially when dealing with nested data structures.
  • Use dynamic programming: Dynamic programming can be used to solve problems where the solution depends on the solutions to smaller sub-problems.
  • Use memoization: Memoization can be used to speed up recursive algorithms by caching the results of sub-problems.
  • Use binary search: Binary search is a fast and efficient algorithm for finding an element in a sorted array.
  • Use two pointers: Two pointers can be used to solve problems that involve searching for a pair of elements in an array.
  • Use a sliding window: A sliding window can be used to solve problems that involve finding a subarray that meets a certain condition.
  • Use backtracking: Backtracking can be used to solve problems where you need to explore all possible solutions.
  • Use a priority queue: A priority queue can be used to implement algorithms that require finding the minimum or maximum element in a set of data.
  • Use a stack or queue: A stack or queue can be used to implement algorithms that involve processing data in a specific order.
  • Use bit manipulation: Bit manipulation can be used to perform operations on binary representations of data.
  • Use graph algorithms: Graph algorithms can be used to solve problems that involve finding the shortest path between two points, or finding connected components in a graph.
  • Use string algorithms: String algorithms can be used to solve problems that involve searching, matching, or manipulating strings.
  • Use machine learning: Machine learning can be used to solve problems that involve pattern recognition, classification, or prediction.
  • Use parallelization: Parallelization can be used to speed up algorithms by distributing the workload across multiple processors or machines.
Nothing you read here should be considered advice or recommendation. Everything is purely and solely for informational purposes.