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How to be persuasive


Concise points to be persuasive.

Some effective ways to be persuasive in a discussion:

  • Use evidence: When making a point, use evidence to back it up. This could be in the form of statistics, research, or other data. Providing evidence helps to build credibility and strengthens your argument.

  • Listen actively: Listening actively to the other person's point of view shows that you respect their opinion and can help you to better understand their perspective. This can make it easier to find common ground and build a more convincing argument.

  • Use clear language: Use simple and clear language to express your ideas. Avoid using jargon or complex terms that the other person may not understand.

  • Stay calm and respectful: Remaining calm and respectful during a discussion helps to maintain a positive and productive tone. Avoid getting defensive or attacking the other person's ideas.

  • Appeal to emotions: Emotions can be a powerful tool in persuasion. If appropriate, use personal stories or anecdotes to appeal to the other person's emotions and help them connect with your point of view.

  • Find common ground: Finding common ground can help build a sense of mutual understanding and respect. This can make it easier to persuade the other person to see your point of view.

  • Be willing to compromise: Being willing to compromise shows that you are open to finding a solution that works for everyone. This can make it easier to persuade the other person to see your perspective and reach a mutually beneficial outcome.

Overall, being persuasive in a discussion involves using evidence, listening actively, using clear language, staying calm and respectful, appealing to emotions, finding common ground, and being willing to compromise. By using these strategies effectively, you can increase your chances of successfully persuading others to see your point of view.

Nothing you read here should be considered advice or recommendation. Everything is purely and solely for informational purposes.